
Labour and Wait


Happy September you crazy kids!

Truth be told, I'm ready. I'm ready for cooler temps, fewer mosquitoes, open windows, Boardwalk Empire (I'm such an HBO Sunday night junkie) and gearing up for the holiday shopping season at Hello Magpie.

Is it too early to start thinking holiday shopping? Heck no! I'm already starting my list...beginning with one of my favorite UK shops Labour and Wait. It's practically impossible for me to start narrowing my wish list, but I will try.

With the end of summer upon us, is there anything special you're looking forward to as the seasons change?


Anonymous said...

LUBS me some autumn weather. this heat - fair thee well and move ON!

It is never too early to holiday shop - in fact it is better if one does, b/c then one has energy, time, and money to be more social and more faithful during the busy holiday season.

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