Being The Container Store cheerleader that I am, I was given the important task as one of the elite gift wrap and bow-making demonstrators during Gift Wrap wonderland. It was so much fun! Every 20 minutes or so, we'd do a demo showing shoppers how to beautifully wrap gifts and make completely fantastic ribbon bows. To this day, I use these tips like crazy.
With Christmas just a few days away, you may not have time to pop into your nearest store for a demo, so here's a few tips to help you along the way. Happy gift wrapping!
P.S. If you want video tutorials, click here!
How To Wrap a Gift
· rolling scissors
· double-sided tape
· boxes (you want the items to fit in well)
· good quality/weight paper (grid-backed paper rocks!)

2. For best results, the seam of the paper should be at the edge of the bottom of the package, rather than along the center. Pull one side of the wrap all the way to the other edge of the box, crease it slightly to mark the edge, then fold the crease for a clean look. Secure the edge with three small pieces of double-sided tape. Crease the bottom edges of the box with your thumb and forefinger.

4. For a finished look, fold the top edge of both the top and bottom flaps to ensure a straight, crisp line.
5. Tape the flaps to the box with three small pieces of double-sided tape.

· Ribbon to match gift wrap
· scissors
6. To add the ribbon, start with the box facing top side up. Using a spool of uncut ribbon, wrap the ribbon around the length of the box and bring the spool back to the center. Be sure you‘ve left enough at the end to tie a bow or secure a handmade bow.

8. Tie the two ends together in a knot at the center. Now you’re ready to add a bow for a complete presentation.
Click here for lots of bow tutorials & other great presentation ideas!
{all images & instructions courtesy The Container Store}
Really rad post, thanks - I learned more than a few things, just in time- whoo hoo!
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