
Write This Way

I love the kind of weddings where the guests know how to get to where they're supposed to be and are not left wandering around like lost cattle because parking was unclear or there were unmarked paths to the ceremony, reception or restrooms. Those are situations best avoided and that kind of planning takes forethought and a little DIY ingenuity.

Perhaps I'm just a lover of details, but I honestly appreciate when my host makes me feel like my presence is appreciated and recognized with little things like great directions or clearly marked signage. With regard to weddings in particular, it makes me feel like the bride & groom cared enough about me, as their guest, to make things as easy and comfortable as possible. It doesn't take much and always leaves a positive, lasting impression.

Regardless of what kind of wedding you're having, making things easier on your guests by properly pointing them in the right direction is always greatly appreciated, though I think clear wayfinding is an essential for any outdoor wedding ceremony or reception. Without floorplans and maitre d's to assist, the more clear your paths and signs should be at your outdoor celebration.

Get creative! These folks lit, pointed out and prettied paths to important wedding spots -- not only do these darling directions look fantastic, they work like a charm.


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