
My Garden Grows...with Impatiens

Who doesn't love a little pun now and again? On Sunday, I went bonkers and planted my garden. I had so many plants in my cart at the local garden center that one man told his wife, "Whatever she gets, we should get." I guess I looked the part because, in all honesty, I don't have a clue what I'm doing. When I said that to Bubs? His response: "If you get in in the ground, you're doing it right." What a novel idea :)

Here's everything I planted:

· red + orange impatiens in the front box planters
· hot pink, pale 2-color pink, and pale violet impatiens in the back box planters
· pineapple mint, parsley, cilantro, sweet basil, + lavender in a big old metal planter
· green beans, leeks, Mr. Stripey heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, Scotch Bonnet peppers, red chili peppers, green bell peppers, spinach, lettuce, and a partridge in a pear tree. Ok. That last bit was a joke :)
Oh, and we found two toads (frogs? I don't know the difference.) in our yard -- 1 near the deck stairs + 1 hopping near the fence. When it jumped, I jumped. Bubs wouldn't let me try to touch it, the fraidy cat.

 I wonder why they've taken up our yard as their home? Let's hope they eat mosquitoes :)

What fun things have you planted in your garden this year?


Unknown said...

i LOVE gardening! - find it soothing!!!

~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Mr. M said...

Mr. M's garden has Tomato's [roma, early girl, yellow, yelow pear, orange mini], spinnach, lettuce mix, zuchinni, green bell pepper, and assorted herbs. The following were already destroyed by squirrels and rabbits digging up every seed: corn, beans, carrots [how did they FIND them?!?!?] and sunflowers.

I have enough compost to fill a dump truck, need any more?

C'est La Vie said...

what lovely pics, i love gardening :) i got it from my daddy, he grows the most delicious tomatoes and i don't know how he does it!


Diana Mieczan said...

I wish I had a garden...You did such a great job with it!!!!
I have 2 balconies and I plant flowers on them.... Hope you are having a great day my lovely :)

Anonymous said...

awesome!! think of all the pico de gallo you can make ;)

Leah said...

Your garden is so so cute!

Mandy B said...

"You can bury a lot of problems digging in the dirt" - Unknown. {Possibly my favorite gardening quote}

Nice job Eve. For having a small space I think you really did a good job picking some awesome plants!You'll have some yummy salads and salsa :) & What are these Scotch Bonnett Peppers? Fill me in ;)

Evelyn said...

Thanks everyone! I can't wait to have everything grow. I'm fairly certain something has already eaten my cucumbers, but we'll see...

@ Jen -- I thought of you and pico de gallo! Can't wait :9

@ Mandy -- Thanks girl! I appreciate it! Scotch Bonnet peppers are H.O.T. peppers, perfect for drying and turning into Jamaican jerk chicken! I planted them at the front, hoping to deter the squirrels lol

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