Because Valentine's Day is in 38 days. Not that I'm really counting, of course. That was strictly for blog purposes. Ahem. Normally, I'm not one to gush over Valentine's day. Sure, I like it, but I require very little in the way of fancypants flowers, dinners and chocolates. Me? I like the simple, from-the-heart gestures, like the year Bubs tried to make me chocolate-covered strawberries with chocolate syrup or when he had a scavenger hunt throughout the house with hints and little treats along the way or the valentines my mom sends me in the mail, just in case it's the only one I get. The thought behind those gestures was the real gift to me and I'll never forget them. I feel the same way about handmade valentines. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more special than a handmade valentine!
I mean, seriously. How freaking adorable is this little foxy treat box featured at Paper Source? Though construction paper and glitter are a tried-and-true combo, kick it up a notch in 2010. Just follow the handy dandy
tutorial and make this little guy, fill with yummy goodness and give to your sweetie to get some major brownie points and lots of smiles.
Head on over to Martha Stewart for some inspiration and how-to help. These valentines were made with card stock, paint and a cut head of radicchio, of all things. Now who couldn't handle that?! {how-to found
here, btw.}
If all else fails, turn to etsy for a made-by-someone-else's hand-made valentine. Personally, I love this screenprint by
jessgonacha. Put it in a frame and hang it as a daily reminder of who loves you, baby.
Foxy is too cute! Radicchio roses=ingenious. Hmmm, this gives me 37 days to find a Valentine ;)
Already!! Yikes, how I love February!
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