Wishing you all over-sized plates of yumminess, elastic waistbands, tryptophan naps, games with friends and family and maybe a little football too, but, most of all, I wish you the the love and thanksgiving of friends, neighbors, family and strangers. May we all count our blessings for all we have and say prayers for those who may be struggling this year. Above all else, take time to consider what Thanksgiving means to you and be thankful in your heart. Give back your time, money, prayers...whatever you can, whenever you can, to those who need us now because, in an instant, we could be in their shoes. Never take for granted the blessings bestowed upon you. Thank God, thank your family, your husband or wife, your kids, your friends....everyone who helps you smile, laugh, love, cry and cherish your life a little more than before.
I am thankful for all of you, taking the time to read this! I wish for you all a day of rest with loved ones, to take a step back and remember how Thanksgiving used to be and to make time to slow down our busy, modern lives enough to enjoy the simple things.
I am thankful for all of you, taking the time to read this! I wish for you all a day of rest with loved ones, to take a step back and remember how Thanksgiving used to be and to make time to slow down our busy, modern lives enough to enjoy the simple things.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Oh I am finally home and able to get on to read my favorite blogger. what a wonderful message this is. Thank you.
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
I know I ate too much and need to get back to my walks, and get ready for the holidays.
Bless you.
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