Yin and yang, Sissy and me (left). Don't let those darling matching jackets, feather festooned cowgirl hats nor those sweet little grins fool you. We really could be rotten when we wanted to be. Well. She more than I. Or perhaps I was just better at not being caught :)
OOOHHHH look at that!!!!!!
By the way, this is your mother writing, and I think you hit it on that last line, darling. Or so I am told many years later, anyway. It is all coming to light!
That picture is so cute I almost can't stand it. it seems like yesterday! Oh what adorable girls you were and are still!
Love you so much,
Oh whatthese precious children! This picture is wonderful! Your parents must be so proud of their daughters.
You are making such a happy face you, and what a funny "I-know-something-no-one-else-does" face your younger sister seems to be making.
Thank you for sharing something so personal with all of us.
Thank you, Mrs. B - I can say that they are and were proud at every step (even the ones that tripped us up a bit.) My sister STILL makes that face. I'm convinced she's in on some joke the rest of us haven't quite figured out yet :)
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