I came across a very interesting article and boy oh boy did it strike a chord in me. It is right along the same lines as what I touched on in my last post and I wanted to share it with you.
Please take the time to read it, as I am only going to paraphrase my favorite bits and pieces. I think we all could do with a bit of perspective and I believe this writer did a fantastic job. Bravo!
Taken from Ingeborg's memoir Still Life with Violin, regarding her 1946 nuptials, "It was not the wedding of a little girls dreams, but it was a wedding like thousands of others performed across Europe, the United States and Canada in the years after the War. Time, money, facilities, place dictated how people arranged and celebrated the most significant experiences of their lives. Strangers in a hotel took the place of family, and tradition was a luxury that had to be put in the back of a closet, to be pulled out sometime in the future when the heart of the world beat more regularly once again."
"Recent studies indicate that the cost of the average wedding in the U.S. is approaching $30,000, twice the amount of my first house. Beautiful fantasies are created for all involved with these hefty bills, every conceivable detail plotted. Technology has come to the modern American wedding reception, in the form of video productions. Music accompanies the story of the bride and groom from infancy through their courtship, with thoughtful tributes to parents, grandparents, family. Disposable cameras in the middle of reception tables have given way to video cameras. Perfection has become so important and the details so myriad that planning a wedding is too much for a mother and daughter to work out. Professional wedding planners add to the bill. Champagne fountains, off shore locales, miles of satin and lace, exotic themes, color schemes create the illusion of romance.
But are they romantic? Not an answerable question, I admit. One man's treasure is another man's trash. One couples romantic wedding is anothers self-conscious grasping for meaning and depth with plastic fingernails and phony traditions peddled by advertising genius."
Now, loyal readers, please understand that I am not judging, lest I be judged. Weddings are almost a hyper-personal event for a couple and there are countless facets which effect a couple's thoughts there upon. Culture, family, upbringing, age, situation, tradition, you name it - they all pay a part. To me, what is most important is to not get caught in the business of your wedding. It is not a show, a competition nor a popularity contest. Make every decision count and reflect you both as a couple equally. If you want 500 guests, a $2,000 gown (or several), and a $40,000 bill, my blessing to you. If you'd rather go barefoot on the beach, wear garlands in the forest or pin curls in the pool hall, own it! Just don't forget to breathe, feel and savor every moment because you only ever have your first wedding once.
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