
Big Changes are a Happn'n!

Pardon the dust...I'm doing some reno to the ol' blog. I hope you like the changes! They'll be coming slow & steady over this next week. Don't you just lurve you some pretty prettiness? I promise to hurry because I can hardly stand not being able to show you the new look! (Most of the CSS is done. Dear CSS. I hate you.) ♥

P.S. Have a blog you would like to have included in my blog roll? Do tell! I've stared the list (see previous post) and would love to fill it chock full 'o blog awesomeness. Let's make it happen!


Lydia Joy said...

Hi OMW! I love a good Blog Roll (honestly that's where I found most of the blogs I LOVE), and if you love my blog, I'd be honored if you would add me to yours.
Can't say I'm the best at frequent posting, but I try to make my posts count when I do them = )
I will be adding your blog to my sidebar list!!

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