
{While I'm Away...} Beer is Good. Vanilla, Better.


Even though we're off enjoying our honeymoon, I couldn't leave you without a thing to read in the meantime! So, enjoy your week, lovely readers and forgive me if this week's posts are a bit on the random side. Can't wait to tell you all about Jamaica!

Now, back to the post. Last week, I tried a tasty beer called Vanilla Porter by the Breckenridge Brewery. While I've been interested in what a vanilla beer may taste like, I also wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it as much as I'd hoped. Breck Brew describes it as "An ale that has all the chocolate and roasted nut flavor of a classic Porter, with an enigmatic surprise thrown in for good measure, real vanilla bean. Breckenridge Brewery’s Vanilla Porter. A vanilla kiss in a rich, dark sea." Hm. Sadly, I have to disagree. Perhaps those vanilla notes were just not strong enough for my palate to detect? Hubs detected the nuttiness (ha!) Not that I wanted a sweet beer, but I guess I sort of wanted it a bit sweeter than it was. Tasty, yes. Vanilla-y enough? No. I think I'm better off sticking to a shot of Ribena in my Guinness, though Rogue's Chocolate Stout sounds intriguing. I bet either would be great in a beer bread, don't you think? Maybe I should stick to keeping my beers and desserts separate...who knows. Has anyone else tried a good beer lately?


MSM said...

Best beer I have ever had (and I have had many many beers) is called Vanilla Bean Stout, made by The Rock Bottom Microbrewery in Cincinnati.

In fact, I had one for lunch there (food o=is awesome there too) and went back later that night to have dinner there too- haha- so I could order another one.........only to find they sold OUT- it was really THAT good.

We stayed at a beautiful Westin down there- was a fun getaway, lots of things to do within walking distance.

Anyway, only time I ever had a Vanilla bear and by golly it was the best I ever tasted.

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