My ladies' night out was tremendous fun and filled with funny moments and great service - especially at Park Street Patio. Who knew they had such killer bar food?! We're all planning a return trip very soon! This time sans tulle and tiara, donning flip flops and probably riding bikes. Don't you just love summer?
Saturday was a mellow relaxation day for me, though I did ride my bike over to the grocery for a whole chicken, a pork tenderloin and a bag of cherries. My bicycle doesn't yet have a basket, so I opted for a small back pack. Now, imagine the looks of passers-by who saw me kneeling next to my bike stuffing a whole chicken and a pork tenderloin into a back pack and driving away with cherries on my's a good thing it's a short drive :)
The meat options were for D.'s newly-modified smoker. Talk about a great Craigslist find! After some ingenuity and extra parts, the smoker is working well. Just a bit more tinkering to minimize smoke loss and we'll be on our way! Here's our first attempt at smoking a whole chicken. You can't begin to imagine how good it tastes!

I did manage to sneak in a bit of wedding-related revisions to the invitations and RSVP cards, did some pricing look-ups, printed a coupon for JoAnn's (ps. HUGE sales going on right now!) and hope to get some other projects started today - perhaps working on escort name cards or out-of-town gift bags.
Here's to a productive, happy Monday! xoxo
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