With the advent of technology and all of it's conveniences, I can't help but find myself longing for something more, drawn to the simplicity, beauty and thought put into the hand-written word. From amazing hand calligraphy to a simple thank-you note, all things ephemeral are a cherished (albeit old-fashioned art form) to me.
My soon-to-be MIL is ultra-talented in many different mediums, one of which is calligraphy. We are going to ask her to contribute her skills to pieces for our wedding as a gift to us. I sincerely can't think of a better gift!
Many people have complimented me on my very tidy handwriting, but rather than show you my terrible first-attempts at calligraphy, I thought I'd share with you my inspirations.
For anyone in the wedding blog world, Classic Bride is top-notch. Not only does she demonstrate impeccable taste, she has just recently launched her own company called SD Calligraphy featuring her fantastic calligraphy! Below is her Chelsea style -- the perfect amount of whimsy and classic appeal. Bravo Sarah! I'm a huge fan!

Below is a surprising bit of temporary artistry through handwriting. I wonder if the person who wrote this even knows how inspirational it is -- and that people all over the world are now appreciating it as more than the informational piece it was intended.

My love of the written word doesn't start and stop with hand calligraphy. I LOVE getting a proper letter or note through the mail. Last week, we had a meeting with a potential wedding photographer here in town. Not only did we have a really fun time, but in yesterday's post, we received this note. Talk about leaving us with a great impression! All of the details are so much fun - the recycled magazine envelope, the hand-stamped wax seal, the unique postage, the note's scalloped edge. She's an artist through and through.
{thank you kitty!}
You are too sweet -- Thanks for mentioning SDC and I'm so excited to follow your blog! Cheers!
Welcome to the blog world (Dan shared)!
I too like the written word. I like to write notes to family and friends. I even have stationary that says "HennHouse" and has five little chickens on it. Goofy. I know.
Oh there is absolutly nothing like going to the post box and finding an old fashioned snail mail something that isn't a bill or mundane boring yucky something!
Oh to find a handmade item even better!
I LOVE this recycled wedding page envelope- how clever is that? Love that idea. did it mail well then? Just wondering.
Very cool idea. May have to steal that idea one of these days- repurposing is the way to a better future. THINK GREEN!
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